Chinese Dumplings / 饺子 / jiǎo zi

(Chinese): 饺子
(PinYin): jiǎo zi
(English): Chinese Dumplings

Image(s) of Dish:

Image 1:

Image 2:

Image 3:

Image 4:

Image 5:

Sauces served: Range from: Chinese vinegar, soya, oyster sauce or a combination of vinegar and chillies or just a chilli paste.

Always remember that, MOST images shared on this website can be expanded/enlarged when the image is clicked on. The image clicked on will open in a new tab.

Description of Dish:

Thin circular shaped ‘wrappers’ are made of flour (there are debates going on as to exactly what flour is used). The wrappers are then filled with almost any ‘filling’ and pinched at the end. The fillings range from just egg to egg and prawns or egg and vegetable, vegetables and meat. The list is endless as there are so many variations. Once the wrappers are filled with their filling, they are then frozen in the freezer and/or some are boiled in water for about five – ten minutes and served hot with a choice of sauces and a pair of chopsticks. All that is required are hungry tummies!

Date of Publication of article: December 8th, 2023

The text(s), image(s) and/or video(s)used in this article were correct at the time and date of publication. Unless specifically expressed, all texts, images, and videos (if any) used in this article are copyright and the work & property of and Wayne Viviers at

Videos are shown at the end of this article.
We regret that videos cannot be viewed on the Chinese Mainland but only overseas.

Video 1 of 2:

Video 2 of 2:

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