Name of the Establishment:
(Chinese): 喜家 自助小火锅
(PinYin): Xǐ jiā zìzhù xiǎo huǒguō
(English): Happiness Hotpot (otherwise known as ‘Xijia Self-Service/Help Small Hotpot’)

Contact Particulars
Address: (Chinese/PinYin/English):
Mix C Shopping Arcade
ChangBai, Heping District, Shenyang.
(Heping District, Shenyang Changbai Wanxiang Hui (50 meters south of Changbai North Road)
Changbai North Road, Heping District.
(If one were to stand facing the main entrance of Mix C, the Hot Pot Restaurant is on the left hand side where there are steps leading downwards, the restaurant is clearly visible as shown in the above images.)
Telephone No(s)/Mobile Phone(s): 18041378060
Business Hours of Operation: Everyday of the Week from: 10h30 in the morning to 20h30 in the evening.
WeChat ID and/or QR Code: 18041378060
WeChat Location:
The restaurant is not a big restaurant when compared with other restaurants in the city but it isn’t small either but comfortable and spacious. The waiters are helpful and speedily assist where necessary in bringing you your pot and you can then sit facing the rotating belt on which sits all of the little plates that contain all of the dishes you could choose for your hotpot. Very clean and aircondtioned. The price is reasonable and not expensive at all considering you can eat all you can eat or as much as is humanly possible. The Writer of this article visited the restaurant today and paid a total of RMB/Yuan: 119.80 for him and his son so the average/approximate cost per person is: RMB/Yuan: 60.00 per person which is a good deal considering the variety, quality and quantity of the food provided.
Image(s) Inside:
Images of Some Dishes, Menu & Interior:

Video(s): 我们很遗憾,以下视频只能在中国大陆以外的地方观看。/ We regret that the videos below can only be viewed outside the Chinese Mainland.
Video 1:
Video 2:
Video 3:
The above videos are only viewable outside the Chinese Mainland.
Date of Publication of article: Tuesday, 16th July 2024
The text(s), image(s) and/or video(s)used in this article were correct at the time and date of publication. All texts, images, and videos (if any) used in this article are copyright and the work & property of and Wayne Viviers at