The snow has arrived in Shenyang!

The snow began on November 6th, 2023 and as most residents of Shenyang know, that (if my guess is correct, it will snow for a day or two and then it will be sunny weather again) the weather though freezing cold, it will be on and off or like a yo-yo with mixed weather conditions all in one day that is at least till December month hits!

See the videos and images taken below (Videos not viewable on mainland China):

Video: Part 1 (Because shot with Huawei Phone in both normal and slow mode):

Video: Part 2 (Because shot with Samsung Note 20 Pro in both normal and slow mode):


Image 1:

Image 2:

Date of Publication of article: November 19th, 2023

The text(s), image(s) and/or video(s)used in this article were correct at the time and date of publication. All texts, images, and videos (if any) used in this article are copyright and the work & property of and Wayne Viviers at

Unfortunately, the video below is not viewable on the Chinese mainland:

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