Samsung Sales & Customer Service Centre (Shenyang).

Name of the Establishment:
(Chinese):  三星电子服务中心(沈阳创新嘉元商贸店)   (PinYin): sān xīng diàn zǐ fú wù zhōng xīn (English):  Samsung Sales & Customer Service Centre (Shenyang).

Contact Particulars
Address: (Chinese/PinYin/English):

Shěné Qū – TuánJié Lù 64 jiǎ 11 hào
No. 64A1, Tuanjie Road, Shenhe District

Telephone No(s)/Mobile Phone(s):  400-810-5858 / (024) 885 254 421

Business Hours of Operation: 10h00 – 21h00 (Monday – Sunday)

WeChat ID and/or QR Code:  a88525421

Business card: (Images below):

WeChat Location:

Baidu Location:–bf

Description:  Not Applicable.

Image(s) Inside:  None at the present time.

Video(s):  See link below at bottom of article (Video not viewable on the Chinese Mainland).

Date of Publication of article:  November 12th 2023 (Updated on: November 19, 2023)

The text(s), image(s) and/or video(s)used in this article were correct at the time and date of publication. All texts, images, and videos (if any) used in this article are copyright and the work & property of and Wayne Viviers at

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